Posts tagged shoes
Avoid Dangerous Falls This September

We celebrate many things in September – back to school, the beginning of autumn, and Falls Prevention Awareness Day. With so many bad falls leading to serious injuries, health concerns, and even death, the doctors here at PodiatryCare, P.C., and the Heel Pain Center want to take the time to raise awareness. Follow our tips and tricks to ensure your September is safe and injury-free.

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Winning the Fight Against Smelly Feet

Smelly feet have been the cause of embarrassment for many people. If you are hesitant about taking off your shoes in public places, you are not alone. If you have had to throw shoes and socks away because you can’t stand the stink, there is help for you, too. This fall, we are helping you win the fight against smelly feet.

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Summer Plans with Plantar Fasciitis

The doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center often treat this discomfort in athletes, but plantar fasciitis affects a wide range of patients. Common causes are tightened calf muscles, flat feet, or simply doing too much while playing sports or exercising.

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