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Tips For Pain-Free Feet This Holiday Season

Between shopping, cooking, and traveling, our feet usually spend most of the holidays feeling sore. Luckily, there are ways you can prevent aches and pains, all while enjoying all your favorite activities with your loved ones! Here are our top tips for pain-free feet this holiday season.

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Breaking Free from Frostbite

It’s almost frostbite season! As the weather gets even colder, it’s important to take certain precautions to prevent injury and damage. We’re giving you all of the information and tips you need to say goodbye to frostbite this winter and keep your feet safe and toasty.

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Say Goodbye to Ingrown Toenails

Do you have pain or swelling around your big toe? What you could be dealing with is an ingrown toenail! When a corner of your toenail grows into the flesh around the nail, it can create tenderness, making it harder to walk and put pressure on the toe.

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Calming Corns and Calluses

Noticing your toes or heels have been extra rough, dry, and tender? Plenty of people deal with calluses and corns every day. Wearing poorly fitted shoes, walking barefoot, not wearing socks with your shoes, or ongoing friction to your heels can create a thick, hard layer of skin over your feet and toes.

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Three Types of Arthritis and How They Can Affect You

Did you know there are over 100 forms of arthritis? Many of these forms directly affect the ankle and foot. Because of this, it’s important to know all you can about arthritis and how this condition can affect your foot health.

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What Are Orthotics?

For those who are dealing with tired, achy feet due to arthritis or diabetes, you might find the perfect solution in a pair of custom orthotics. Orthotics are shoe inserts designed to alleviate foot pain and correct any conditions, like bunions.

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Fixes For Nail Fungus

Despite how common nail fungus is, dealing with it isn’t easy. Most cases of nail fungus are mild, but some people may need help if the infection worsens. Either way, asking your podiatrist for help is always a great first step. Staying informed and up-to-date can also aid in preventing your fungus from becoming a more serious issue.

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Plan For a Walk This Fall

If you’re not walking this fall season, you’re missing out. Why? There are so many health benefits associated with taking steps at a slower pace. Remember, running isn’t the only way to include exercise in your day. From head to toe, a brisk walk can bring you better health.

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Fall Treats for Your Feet

Fall is here! Have you ever wondered how you can treat your feet this season, too? The summer may be filled with trips to the beach or even the nail salon. Taking care of our feet during the summer seems like a mandatory move. Who wants to show their toes when they are not at their best?

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Fall Plans: September is Falls Prevention Month

September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month. It’s a time for us to share with our patients how important it is to reduce their risk of a tumble. For patients who are 65 and older, the risk of falling is greater and comes with the chance of severe injury. From head injuries to broken bones, we want to see you and your loved ones avoid all this discomfort.

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The Facts About Flat Feet

The doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center are here to help you with the facts. What does it mean if you have flat feet? Will the condition cause a major change in your life? As podiatrists, we know that every patient is unique. Each one may have a unique experience with a condition. Well, something similar is true for people who have flat feet.

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