Fall Plans: September is Falls Prevention Month

September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month. It’s a time for us to share with our patients how important it is to reduce their risk of a tumble. For patients who are 65 and older, the risk of falling is greater and comes with the chance of severe injury. From head injuries to broken bones, we want to see you and your loved ones avoid all this discomfort.

The doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center want to share this fact from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: More than one out of four older Americans will fall each year. Unfortunately, less than half of them will tell a doctor. This statistic grieves us. Many patients are walking around with pain from a fall or fear of taking a tumble again. We know this can hold them back from doing their favorite activities.

Starting at home, here are three ways you can help:

Talk about falls

Would your loved one feel comfortable telling you about a fall? If you aren’t sure, we encourage you to talk about it more with your family member. Reassure them that falling is worthy of calling a doctor. Reassure them that you won’t look at them any differently. Let them know there are ways to get treatment and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

Make things lighter

Help your loved one have more confidence in their home. Whether they live with you or alone, make sure they have a bright home. Add nightlights to common areas like the bathroom or the kitchen. Make sure lamps have lightbulbs and change them when necessary. Don’t forget to brighten up hallways, too. Ask your loved ones about other poorly lit areas.

Make room for seniors

Is your home set up for your senior loved one? Think about the slippery rugs that you may have in rooms. Consider the narrow walkways if your family member has a cane or a walker. Clear a pathway to make walking easier. Your loved one shouldn’t have to anticipate a maze to get to the kitchen or bathroom. Make them feel right at home by thinking of them in your home’s layout.

If you or a loved one falls, we want to know. We want to help. Fractures, sprains, and other foot and ankle injuries are our specialty. You are not alone.

Our board-certified team of foot and ankle doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center has experience with addressing foot needs, including bunions and hammertoes, pediatric foot care, custom orthotics, heel pain, diabetic foot care, and more. The team includes Dr. Charlotte George, Dr. Matthew Tschudy, Dr. Rebecca Wiesner, Dr. Kristen Winters, and Dr. Laura Vander Poel. We have two locations in Hartford County: 1379 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT, and 1350 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT. To schedule an appointment at our Enfield location, call (860) 741-3041; for an appointment at our South Windsor location, call (860) 644-6525.