Posts in Feet
Tips For Pain-Free Feet This Holiday Season

Between shopping, cooking, and traveling, our feet usually spend most of the holidays feeling sore. Luckily, there are ways you can prevent aches and pains, all while enjoying all your favorite activities with your loved ones! Here are our top tips for pain-free feet this holiday season.

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The Facts About Flat Feet

The doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center are here to help you with the facts. What does it mean if you have flat feet? Will the condition cause a major change in your life? As podiatrists, we know that every patient is unique. Each one may have a unique experience with a condition. Well, something similar is true for people who have flat feet.

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Feet First: Back-to-School Tips

The doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center welcome back students and their parents each season. Partnering together for better foot and ankle health, our team of podiatrists helps parents address current foot issues and think about potential ones that may appear later during the year.

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