3 Reasons to Stick with Stretching


Are you making the rookie mistake of skipping your stretching time? The doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center see the negative outcomes of a non-stretching routine, and the injuries are often preventable. This step may seem optional but dedicating a pre-workout time is one of the best ways to have a fun, safe, and successful workout. We’re sharing three reasons to add it back to your workout routine.

Enjoy a better workout  

Are you running straight to the workout without preparation? If so, you are missing out on one of your best workouts. Stretching allows you to prepare your body by loosening up muscles, tendons, and more. The pre-workout time makes it much easier for your body to seamlessly transition as you move to a higher level of exercise. Easing into a workout is the most efficient way to work out — and avoid an injury.

Reduce your risk of injury

Tightened muscles, joints, and more are at risk of an injury. When you skip stretching, you remove one step that can help you prevent a visit to the doctor. While accidents happen, there are ways to prevent common injuries. Of course, shoe choice, form, and other details matter, too.

You will feel better

A great stretch will make you feel much more prepared before your workout routine. It can also boost your mood after a tough morning — or a tough day. Supporting your mental and emotional health can take a few moments from your day. We encourage you to add more flexibility to your pre-workout routine or your busy schedule.

Our board-certified team of foot and ankle doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center has experience with addressing foot needs, including bunions and hammertoes, pediatric foot care, custom orthotics, heel pain, diabetic foot care, and more. The team includes Dr. Charlotte George, Dr. Matthew Tschudy, Dr. Rebecca Wiesner, Dr. Kristen Winters, and Dr. Laura Vander Poel. We have two locations in Hartford County: 1379 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT, and 1350 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT. To schedule an appointment at our Enfield location, call (860) 741-3041; for an appointment at our South Windsor location, call (860) 644-6525.