Posts tagged infection
The Time is Now: Call A Podiatrist

It can be challenging for many of us to pick up the phone and call a doctor. Even when the scheduling is online, the task alone can feel overwhelming. Regardless of how long it may take you to make the decision, we want you to know we’re always here for you and your family. If you are wondering if and when you should contact a podiatrist, this blog post is for you.

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Are You Paying Attention to Your Ulcer?

What is one of the worst things to do with a diabetic foot ulcer? Leave it alone. That’s right – a cut or wound on your foot requires your undivided addition. Most importantly, it requires a call and a visit to your podiatrist. For patients with diabetes, an ulcer is a common complication. It can become dangerous when the cut is slow to heal and becomes infected. Severe consequences can lead to limb loss or even death.

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