Posts tagged warts
How to Avoid Plantar Warts on Vacation

Summer is finally here, and that means more free time and travel! And nothing can wreck a vacation more than getting an infection to bring home with you. One of the most uncomfortable, unnoticed infections is plantar warts on the bottom of the feet. Today, the doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center are sharing ways you can avoid plantar warts on vacation this year.

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Watch Out for These 3 Pediatric Foot Problems

If your child is feeling foot pain, do you think they would tell you about it? In our experience, the answer to that question is a definite “maybe.” Some children are too young to communicate what they’re feeling, they may forget to say anything about it, or be too embarrassed to show anyone else the problem they’re experiencing. Today, the doctors at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center are sharing three of the most common pediatric foot problems we see in our offices.

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