Show Your Feet Some Love

August 17th is National “I Love My Feet” Day! Unfortunately, many people often neglect their feet until they wind up with a painful condition or injury. Because our feet and ankles carry us through life, it's important to care for them daily, regardless of age and health. How can you show your feet some extra love and care this month and beyond?

Here are three important tips from the podiatrists at PodiatryCare, P.C., and the Heel Pain Center:

Focus On Foot Care

Take time to look at your feet. We always recommend daily foot inspections to help you stay on top of foot conditions. Prevention is the best way to treat a condition and get the best results. Look for changes to your skin, too.

Support Over Style

If you are deciding between support and style, support should always win. Putting your feet first during shoe selection is one way to show how much you care. Regardless of how amazing the shoe looks, you must consider how your feet feel about the boots, sneakers, or flats you choose.

Avoid Cancellations

If you have a podiatry appointment this year, keep it. Prioritize these appointments like you would for a dentist's appointment or an annual physical. Allow us to check in on your feet and provide recommendations to keep your feet happy and healthy.

Here at PodiatryCare, PC, and the Heel Pain Center, we specialize in custom orthotics, along with various other foot and ankle ailments. Dr. Charlotte George, Dr. Matthew Tschudy, Dr. Rebecca Wiesner, Dr. Kristen Winters, Dr. Laura Vander Poel, and the rest of our team are dedicated to helping our Hartford County patients. To schedule an appointment at our Enfield location, call (860) 741-3041; for an appointment at our South Windsor location, call (860) 644-6525.