Lego Walking Is Painful: Don’t Try It!
Have you heard of Lego walking? Many charity events, team-building workshops and special Lego celebrations offer this challenge to see who can walk barefoot on a pile of Legos. Ouch, that hurts! We have about 8,000 nerve endings in our feet that actually help us feel pain and alert us to possible damage.
Lego Walking – Worse Than Walking on Coals or Glass?
Why is walking on Legos so painful?
Those odd folks who try fire-walking let the hardwood fire burn down to just embers. So the ash that accumulates on the surface somewhat protects the feet, even though the coal temperature can reach 1,000 degrees. We do not recommend it!
Walking on glass for a challenge is also a bad idea. However, because the pieces of glass are broken down to a small size and patted down to make an even walking surface, the walker’s weight can be evenly distributed over the sharp points.
But Legos are built from a very hard and durable type of plastic that is designed to withstand lots of pressure and abuse. When you step on a Lego, there is nowhere for the force to go except back into the sole of your very sensitive foot. The feet, hands and lips are the most sensitive areas of our bodies.
So it hurts a lot to step on one Lego, as many of you may have already learned! Stepping on many Legos helps to distribute the pressure but, unlike glass that shifts and adjusts under your feet, Legos stubbornly refuse to flatten out.
Numbness from Neuropathy Can Mask Foot Damage
Patients with diabetes often suffer from peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage to the feet and hands. Neuropathy symptoms can include stabbing or burning pain, a tingling feeling and even numbness and loss of sensation.
If you have neuropathy, you may not realize that you have stepped on a Lego or other small, sharp object. So you won’t know that you have a scrape, cut or puncture wound in your foot. When the blood flow to your feet is reduced because of poor circulation from diabetes, that small wound will not heal properly and can develop into a dangerous ulcer.
It’s very important for those with diabetes to come into our office regularly for a foot check-up. We will examine your feet carefully, check for any changes and prepare a treatment plan for any problems that we observe.
Meanwhile, skip the Lego, fire and glass walking challenges! Keep your feet protected for long-term foot health.
Let Us Know If You Suffer from Neuropathy
The foot specialists at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center have extensive experience in treating all aspects of foot problems. Our team of doctors is dedicated to serving you with all of the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies. Many treatments and surgeries can be handled right in our offices. Please call us at (860) 741-3041 to make an appointment in one of our offices conveniently located in Enfield, Windsor and South Windsor, CT.