Healing An Ankle Sprain

Most people will have a sprained ankle in their lifetime. They’re one of the most common injuries you can face, especially when it comes to your lower extremity. Whether you’re an athlete or happen to roll your ankle weirdly, it doesn’t take much to get an ankle sprain.

Even though it may seem like a minor injury, sprains can be more complicated than they appear to be on the surface and often require professional treatment. There may be damage to your toes or nerves that only a podiatrist can check for and treat efficiently. If your ankle doesn’t heal right, it can result in long-term issues down the road, like limited range of motion and further ankle injuries. So, skip the at-home treatments and get your ankle checked by your foot doctor!

Is My Ankle Sprained?

The best way to find out is by scheduling an appointment with your podiatrist. If your ankle doesn’t feel better within 2-3 days after your injury, it’ll probably require more treatment than just rest and ice. But in the meantime, here are some signs and symptoms that you’re likely dealing with a sprained ankle…

  • Pain

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

  • Tenderness

  • Limited range of motion

  • Joint instability

  • Trouble putting weight on your ankle

If you have severe pain and can’t move your ankle at all, you may have an ankle fracture, which should be looked at ASAP.

Healing Your Ankle

Depending on the severity of your sprained ankle, you’ll likely be working with your podiatrist for 1-3 months to get your ankle healed and back to normal. Most foot doctors will give you an X-ray to start. This helps them check for other bone, foot, and tendon damage that could’ve happened during your injury.

Treatment plans will be specific to your individual injury. But most will require you to incorporate R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) into your daily routine to help your ankle heal. Using bandages, splints, and casts, and adding in certain foot and ankle stretches are also common ways to treat sprains. As a last resort, surgery or physical therapy may be recommended. We offer shockwave therapy for foot and heel pain relief!