Toenail Fungus Can Strike Even in Winter


There may still be snow on the ground in many places in Connecticut, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t catch a toenail fungus.

In fact, the conditions for fungal nail might be even better during cold weather when you are forced to wear closed shoes and heavy boots. These create a warm, damp environment that is perfect for the growth of this type of fungi. These microscopic organisms love dark, warm and moist spots like the insides of shoes and boots.

Toenail fungus is very contagious too, and easy to pick up at public places like locker rooms, spas, gyms, and pools. You may suspect that you have fungal nail if your toenails look discolored or dull, or appear thickened or ragged. Nail fungus is harder to treat than Athlete’s foot, another type of fungus. When the infection is in the hard part of the nail, it can easily spread to the skin, other toenails and even your hands.

Toenail Fungus Needs Professional Treatment for Lasting Results

Over-the-counter remedies may ease the symptoms of fungal nail, but that relief is usually only temporary. For persistent toenail fungus, you need to call an expert!

We have the right experience to treat fungal nail in all its variations. After careful assessment and diagnosis, we will use a combination of oral and topical medications to cure this problem. Anti-fungal cream applied to the infected nail after soaking the foot attacks the fungus from the surface, while prescription medication will help promote new nail growth that is infection-free.

For those patients with diabetes, it is very important to seek medical help right away for any problem with the feet and toenails such as fungal nail. Any type of foot damage can lead to ulcers and serious wounds that increase the risk of amputation.

Good Foot Hygiene Can Prevent Fungal Nail

  • Wash your feet every day and dry carefully especially between the toes.

  • Alternate shoes every day to let them dry out.

  • Wear clean, dry socks and frequently change when they become damp.

  • Choose shoes made of breathable material like leather and canvas.

  • Always protect your feet in public areas by wearing shower shoes or flip-flops.

  • Use sterile instruments when getting a pedicure.

Let Us Resolve Your Toenail Fungus

The foot specialists at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center have extensive experience in treating all aspects of foot problems. Our team of doctors which consists of our podiatrists, Dr. Robert Marra, Dr. Thomas Johnson, Dr. Kristen Winters, Dr. Laura Vander Poel, and Dr. Ryan Donegan is dedicated to serving you with all of the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies. Many treatments and surgeries can be handled right in our offices. Please call us at (860) 741-3041 to make an appointment in one of our offices conveniently located in Enfield, Windsor and South Windsor, CT.