3 New Year's Resolutions to Halt Heel Pain in 2024

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, many of us take a shot at self-improvement through New Year's resolutions. However, instead of swearing off sweets or committing to restrictive fad diets, the team at PodiatryCare, P.C. and the Heel Pain Center suggests taking steps in a different direction: Focus New Year’s resolutions on your feet!

To assist you, we’ve put together this informative post. It’s all about starting the New Year right, and it features tips to help halt a common podiatric problem: Heel pain.

Invest in Supportive Footwear:

  • Select supportive options designed to alleviate pressure on your heels.

  • Choose shoes with adequate arch support, cushioning, and a proper fit.

  • Brands specializing in orthopedic shoes or custom orthotic insoles are great choices.

Incorporate Stretching Exercises into Your Daily Routine:

  • Tight and inflexible muscles in the feet and calves can contribute to heel pain. Commit to incorporating daily stretching exercises into your routine.

  • Simple exercises like calf stretches, toe flexor stretches, and plantar fascia stretches can improve flexibility and reduce tension in the affected areas.

  • Consistency is key, so start with a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as your comfort level improves.

Maintain a Healthy Weight:

  • Carrying excess weight places additional strain on your feet, particularly the heels.

  • A balanced diet combined with regular exercise not only benefits your overall health, but also reduces the load on your feet.

  • Shedding extra pounds can significantly reduce heel pain and enhance your mobility. Consult with a healthcare professional to establish realistic weight loss goals and develop a personalized plan that suits your individual needs and lifestyle.

  • Remember, it’s all about feeling good, not looking perfect!

If you want fitter feet for a better year, we can help! At PodiatryCare, PC, and the Heel Pain Center, we treat a wide variety of foot and ankle ailments. Dr. Charlotte George, Dr. Matthew Tschudy, Dr. Rebecca Wiesner, Dr. Kristen Winters, Dr. Laura Vander Poel, and the rest of our team are dedicated to helping our Hartford County patients. To schedule an appointment at our Enfield location, call (860) 741-3041; for an appointment at our South Windsor location, call (860) 644-6525.